domingo, 17 de enero de 2010


Estaba pensando mientras llegaba a mi casa y entre esas ideas confusas salió lo siguiente:

Sadness is a path to the fear, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to suffering, let go of all the sadness that you carry it's only a weight in your mind and in your life... but, how can I do it?

Suffering leads to all the emotions that I can't handle... How can I let go of all my emotions and focus my mind to you?

1 comentario:

Nenissama dijo...

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw! mi mosketerooo! como ha estadooo?! me eh alejado tanto de estoooo!
pero no se olvida, no lo olvido n_n!!
un gran saludo para usted mi viejo amigo =D!!!
que estes bieeen!!